Mobile Massage

Delivered to Your Door

“It was 2018 when I discovered my passion in massage therapy. Fascinated by the body’s ability to heal itself, I wanted to help others by assisting in the process. Active in sports and understanding the stresses of a demanding life I use therapeutic techniques to help clients suffering from chronic pain and physical tension. Customized to you I provide services such as Swedish, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Trigger Points, Structural Integration, Prenatal, Cupping and Chair Massages.”

Mariah Cantrell | 623-695-8295



& Pricing

  • Swedish Massage is a manual therapy that emphasizes long strokes, kneading and friction motions to encourage proper circulation. The technique involves rubbing muscles together in the same direction as the flow of blood to the heart.

    The time shown is the massage session time. Travel fees may apply.

    60 minutes $120.00

    90 minutes $150.00

  • Massage therapy useful for treating skeletal muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles.

    The time shown is the massage session time. Travel fees may apply.

    60 minutes $120.00

    90 minutes $150.00

  • Deep tissue massage centers on realigning the deeper layers of connective and muscle tissue. It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the tense areas, either following or going across the fiber's of the muscles, tendons and fascia.

    The time shown is the massage session time. Travel fees may apply.

    60 minutes $120.00

    90 minutes $150.00

  • Massage Therapy. Trigger points are sore, painful spots—also called knots—found in muscles. These knots are sensitive and when pressure is applied, it produces pain in a different part of your body. A trigger point massage helps work out those knots and reduce the pain associated with them.

    The time shown is the massage session time. Travel fees may apply.

    60 minutes $120.00

    90 minutes $150.00

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